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Rewiring Your Wellness Blog
A Growing Resource for Community, Connection & Inspiration

Welcome! We are blessed to have so many talented writers and retrainers here whom are so generously sharing their insights, stories and inspirations with us. Below you will find the the themes that our writers have posted their series of posts on. Within each them are 2-4 posts on that topic. ENJOY!
If you wish to receive notifications to your email when blogs are posted, please subscribe to the blog in the sign up provided.

Candy Widdifield
Jul 31, 20233 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: What are Your Stories of Limitation?
Register here to join the next live Q&A on Saturday August 12 at 9am Pacific/12pm Eastern and have your questions answered in real time!...
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Candy Widdifield
Jun 26, 20232 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: The Quality of Our Mind
Join me on Zoom July 8th at 9am Pacific/12pm Eastern for a live Q&A and have your questions answered in real time! Here is the link to...
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Candy Widdifield
Jun 12, 20231 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: Free Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
Join me and one of the amazing Art of Living Foundation instructors this Saturday for a breath work and meditation experience that will...
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Candy Widdifield
May 22, 20235 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: Insomnia & Chronic Pain
I currently have a few spaces available for new coaching clients, so if you would like some one on one support, please email me at...
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Candy Widdifield
May 8, 20233 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: The Importance of Connecting to Something Beyond Self
Often when we talk about connecting with something greater than ourselves, people think of it in terms of religion or spirituality. That...
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Candy Widdifield
Apr 3, 20231 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: Blessings for Healing
I recently completed a training through the Art of Living Foundation that allows me to offer blessings for healing on behalf of his...
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Candy Widdifield
Mar 27, 20234 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: Re-Defining Happiness
What does it mean to be happy? The answer to that question depends entirely upon whom you are asking. How we answer that question for...
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Candy Widdifield
Mar 13, 20235 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: The Freeze Response
Q: "(Can you write) about the freeze response? I think a lot of re-trainers experience it and I’m certainly experiencing a lot more of it...
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Candy Widdifield
Jan 30, 20235 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Catching Missed Thoughts
Q: I still feel like I am missing pops. Are there some typical pops (negative thoughts) that many people miss or are very subtle so are...
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Elaine W
Jan 12, 20232 min read
Welcome the original self, the authentic True Self! This is the season when we reclaim all that is good and true - our innate okayness,...
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Candy Widdifield
Jan 2, 20233 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Hope and Commitment
During the silent meditation retreat I recently attended we were given some beautiful pieces of wisdom. Today I will share with you some...
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Elaine W
Dec 8, 20223 min read
This is the scariest season! It calls for courage and trust. As with the spring, this Season of Transformation can have false starts and...
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Candy Widdifield
Nov 28, 20224 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Things That Affect Our Thinking
We know how important it is for recovery not to entertain automatic negative thoughts, POPs, or symptoms thought patterns (the language...
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Candy Widdifield
Oct 31, 20223 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: People-Pleasing & Peacemaking
When discussing the typical characteristics that often play a role in limbic system dysfunction, the focus is generally on the...
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Candy Widdifield
Oct 3, 20225 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: How to Know When You are in Elevated States
Q: For those of us who have never felt DOSE (elevated emotional states), can you address how that feels in the body and how to recognize...
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Candy Widdifield
Sep 5, 20223 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Not waiting until you're better to start enjoying life
A recent conversation with a coaching client reminded me of this important principle (which so often goes unheeded). We don't need to...
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Katie Nickerson
Jul 7, 20223 min read
Is Rushing Slowing Your Healing?
Let me ask you a question… Are you a “rusher”? Does this sound familiar? You find yourself trying to complete tasks quickly. It could be...
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Candy Widdifield
Jun 6, 20227 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Addressing Our Deepest Fear & Increasing Trust
At its core, the deepest fear of pretty much every retainer is the fear of not getting better, especially if we have been retraining for...
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Candy Widdifield
May 23, 20223 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: Managing Adrenalin & Core Beliefs
Q: I find that my adrenalin goes up any time I have to do any activity, even routine duties that are not stressful. This adrenalin...
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Candy Widdifield
May 2, 20227 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Insights from my own experience
Q: Can you share with us some tips you learned from your own experience of recovery? A: Absolutely! As I was reflecting on this question,...
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